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Mødereferater for skoleåret 20/21

Her finder du referaterne fra skolebestyrelsesmøderne i skoleåret 20/21.


1. juni 2021 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

3. maj 2021 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

8. april 2021 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

3. marts 2021 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

3. februar 2021 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

5. januar 2021 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

2. december 2020 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

5. november 2020 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

3. oktober 2020 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

8. september 2020 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.

24. august 2020 - Referat

Shape Created with Sketch.